Corporate Data

Corporate Information(as of June 26, 2024)

Corporate Name Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Location of Head Office Harumi Island Triton Square Tower Z 8-12, Harumi 1-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-6228
Business Area
  • Securities processing business related to such trust assets as pension trusts, individually operated designated money trusts (Shitei-tan), specified money trusts (Tokkin), securities investment trusts.
  • Other trust and banking services related to securities processing such as securities lending.
  • New businesses such as Japanese Master Trust.
Capital 51 billion yen
Shareholders (equity position in %)
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. 680,000 shares (33.3%)
  • Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. 550,800 shares (27.0%)
  • Resona Bank, Limited 340,000 shares (16.7%)
  • The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 163,200 shares (8.0%)
  • Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company 102,000 shares (5.0%)
  • Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 91,800 shares (4.5%)
  • Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd. 71,400 shares (3.5%)
  • Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Company 40,800 shares (2.0%)
Representative Directors Chairman
Yasuhiro Yamada
President & Representative Director
Masahiro Tsuchiya
Deputy President & Representative Director
Yasumasa Mukai
Date of Establishment June 20, 2000

Rating(as of June 29, 2023)

Japan Credit Rating
Agency, Ltd.
Rating and
Information, Inc.
Long-term rating AA+ AA- A1